Monday, June 1, 2009

3 times – 5 times


it’s been all my years since my last confession

i uh…

3 times – 5 times


6 times

            anything else

yes father – i appropriate things


stereos, radios, amplifiers

i’ve plagiarized at close range

7 times

blank tapes

            how old are you

31 –i’ve been doing this all my life – i make sounds

i’ve committed 32 burglaries

one was a church father

            terrible, terrible thing to steal from stores, but from a church; that’s god’s house

i stole religion right out from under my feet

god had a flask, i can prove it – placebo hand a loose cannon evangelist

and this has all been a chance to weave opposable thumbs

            is there any way to give all of this stuff back?

and this has all been a chance to take my life back and escape with both hands intact